Shoreline Surveying
Shoreline surveying to establish reach priorities:
Priorities are determined by the relationship of the original slope gradient, the littoral slope gradient, the height of the bank, the lower limit of significant wave energy, site specific fetch and the age of the reservoir. An erosion rating is then assigned to estimate the potential for the rate of bank recession and sediment / nutrient loading.
Shoreline surveying for revetment design and the quantity of material required:
After the reaches to be stabilized have been determined, the primary issue is the littoral slope topography. Variations of the littoral slope gradient can effect the revetment end area by as much as 30% which makes surveying the littoral zone essential for accurate revetment design. Cross sections are recorded at specified intervals using the known elevation of the water surface for the benchmark. The depth of water at the intersection of the littoral slope and the original slope, if discernable, gives the lower limit of significant wave energy for that specific location. After the revetment designs are finalized, the required quantity of riprap is calculated for each reach.